Pep Rally

WhiteOak    megaphone

It is hard to believe we are wrapping up football season!  We are so proud of our football players, band members, auxiliary line, cheerleaders, and coaches.  They have done a great job.  Our football team will travel to New Boston this Thursday.  In order for them to get there in time, they will leave WOMS after 5th period.  This means we will not have a formal Pep Rally.  Students will meet at the fish pond during Enrichment to wish them Good Luck and then continue with our day.

We will attend the last Pep Rally at the high school this week.  There is a possibility that it will run a few minutes past our dismissal time.  This means students will arrive home from the bus a little bit late.

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About balboab

My name is Becky Balboa, and I am proud to serve as White Oak Middle School Principal. I live in White Oak with my two children, Madison and Connor. They keep me busy with their extracurricular activities. Education: Graduated from Pine Tree High School in 1993. Received BA in Elementary Education from SFA in 1998. Received Masters in Educational Leadership from SFA in 2004. Career: 22 years experience in education: kindergarten teacher, assistant principal, Head Start Director, principal. I look forward to working with you and your child. Please check back often White Oak Middle School news.

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